Exploring Creative Connections Between Music, Art, and Innovation

Portfolio and Case Studies

Case Study: Immersive Dome Concert

A unique piano concert in the immersive environment of a planetarium dome, integrating music, illustration, and animation.

Illustrations, Animations, and Creative Coding

A selection of my projects that highlight my journey in illustration, animation, and creative coding.

Me as a bassist

A selection of recordings, festivals, and teaching experiences in which I have participated as a bassist and double bassist.

Case Study: The Bach Project in Medellín

Coordination of the “Day of Action” of Yo-Yo Ma’s Back Project in Medellín: Public Space, Memory and Healing.

Case Study: Collaborative Creation – A Journey to the East Coast of the USA

Coordination of the Medellín Canción Viva tour project.

A man sits indoors reaching towards a glowing social media notification icon.

Case Study: Teaching Artists and Social Media

Development of resources to support artists’ use of social media for teaching and advocacy—Guide, workbook, and workshop.

Case Study: Agile and Design Thinking in Music Education

Applied Agile and Design Thinking to enhance music education and community engagement strategies.